Picky eater “phase”!

I feel like my Peanut has been going through a picky eater phase for a year and counting! Apparently it is currently an issue with textures because “Ewww!” is his reaction to fruits that he loves in smoothies (non-milk and/or with milk). We’re a big fan of Naked and Odwalla smoothies, especially the Green Machine […]

Bee Yourself

Peanut’s lack of speech sometimes worries me when it comes to interacting with non-family. Even close friends/children can be a challenge. We had a great day overall and it was beautiful and sunny outside! Apparently there is something about my Peanut that draws kids to him. Within 10 minutes he made seven new friends. He […]

“Get lots of rest” says my doctor

Peanut caught the Coxsackie Virus last week when he was with his Dad and brought it home to his Mommy. His Dad had said Peanut didn’t have an appetite but would drink smoothies, and then after a good day, the next morning I knew something was wrong when he still had no appetite and seemed […]

Pumpkin patch

I had to miss work today due to health reasons (another day another post), after distracting Peanut from getting completely dressed early and excited to play with Prince, we made it about 4 hours until I realized we were out of milk. He was happy with his smoothie but there was no way we would […]